ESPINEA® was founded in 2019 by joimax® GmbH based in Karlsruhe, Germany. In its role as the global market leader in endoscopic spinal therapies joimax® felt obligated and therefore launched an initiative of establishing a scientific and evidence-based training, education and research institute with global reach.

ESPINEA® Advisory Board

Wolfgang Ries

Chairman & Founder of ESPINEA®,
CEO & Founder joimax® Group

alistair gibson, espinea advisory board member

J.N. Alastair Gibson​

Consultant Spine Surgeon
The University of Edinburgh
Alumnus Edinburgh,
United Kingdom

Dr. Menno Iprenburg

Founder Iprenburg Spine
Clinics Veenhuizen,
The Netherlands

Sang-Ho Lee, MD, Ph.D.

Chairman of Wooridul Spine Hospitals,
Seoul, Korea, Chairman of ESPINEA®
Chapter ASEAN

Michael Wang, MD, FACS

University of Miami,
Chief Surgeon Neurosurgery,
Chairman of ESPINEA® Chapter USA

Yue Zhou, MD, PhD

Chongqing 3rd Military Hospital,
Chief Surgeon Orthopaedics,
Chairman of ESPINEA® Chapter China

ESPINEA® Management

Antje Paulsen

Corporate Marketing Manager

Dr. Jing Hu

Director Clinical
Affairs & Research

Sun Ho

Associate Clinical & Education Manager APAC

The ESPINEA® Mission

The overall goal of the ESPINEA® Endoscopic Spine Academy is to support professionals in providing best possible patient care. To accomplish this mission, the globally acting ESPINEA® Endoscopic Spine Academy offers a specially tailored training and education program for spine surgeons, which can be quickly expanded and adapted to new requirements and technologies.

ESPINEA® is set up to provide an open academic platform for interested spine physicians to be fully-trained and educated on joimax® endoscopic systems, but also to get to discover and learn new spinal therapy concepts focused on the field of minimally invasive, preferable endoscopic spinal therapy.

ESPINEA® Training and Education​

The ESPINEA® Endoscopic Spine Academy offers specific support to optimize and shorten the individual learning curve in endoscopic spine surgery. Experience shows each single surgeon will learn quickly how to perform the endoscopic approach and technique through theoretical lectures combined with a variety of hands-on training activities.


Theoretical introduction to full-endoscopic spine surgery by our experienced faculties


Visualization of anatomy and pathology and correct access to the spine on spine models


Experiencing endoscopy & respective instruments on simple but very effective training tools &  simulators


Accompanied first real surgeries


Hands-on training on human specimens.



Preclinical training provides a wide range of learning tools to familiarize yourself with endoscopic instruments, devices and procedures for spinal surgery. You learn how to use the instruments, how to orient correctly with the endoscope and do your first full-endoscopic approaches to a spine model.


The clinical training includes the joimax CM3 education program. You can apply your knowledge from the preclinical courses in the cadaver lab and observe experts performing operations. At the end you will perform your own surgeries.

Learning Curve

Experience leads to an increase in learning, and the more someone conducts endoscopic spine surgery, the more they improve the technique. ESPINEA® supports future endoscopic spine professionals to quickly improve at the beginning of the learning curve and to develop a safe routine for each indication, procedure and patient.

Individual Learning Curve

Everyone has an individual way to learn best. Some might learn more with a theoretical approach while others prefer a practical approach, with hands-on or with observing others. Also, everyone learns and remembers within an individual time frame. ESPINEA®‘s aim is to provide a wide range of didactical and educational options, in order to achieve the most individual and successful learning experience and a shortened individual learning curve. Combining learning experiences of varying kinds will open one’s mind and help to understand and adopt skills and methods. Developing a routine is the next step by conducting and practicing endoscopic spine procedures for various indications and by collecting experience under realistic conditions. Being able to treat all endoscopic spine pathologies is the goal, as well as to be able to conduct research and teach and train others respectively. Training and education are made available for beginners as well as for surgeons with existing experience to deepen and extend knowledge and expertise. A major goal is to provide the opportunity to advance to the next level of expertise in endoscopic spine treatment. Anatomical models, endoscopic tools, simulators and of course the CM3 Education Program ensures high-quality training. Courses, workshops, meetings and literature updates are provided by highly-trained, experienced surgeons and experts.

The Individual Curve
  1. Visitation
  2. Workshop (Level 1 to 2) with lectures and discussions, practical experience on models / simulators as well as hands-on cadaver training
  3. Supervised Surgeries and Consecutive Practice
  4. Next Visitation | Workshop | Surgery
  5. Workshop Level 3-4
  6. User and Expert Meetings
  7. Fellowship Program
  8. Master Class Courses
  9. Faculty Program and Meetings
  10. Continuing Training & Education
„Look at this extraordinary development in endoscopic spine surgery... I started in 2004 (with transforaminal endoscopic discectomy - TESSYS® ) and see where we are now. This exceeds all my expectations I ever had! Where will we be in 5 to 10 years?! Since I have almost finished my active career, I will continue the further development as a board member in the ESPINEA® Endoscopic Spine Academy.“
Dr. Menno Iprenburg
Board Member